Friday 5 July 2024


June finished with a real blocker for a fortunate few when a Black-winged Pratincole (first seen at Lound, Nottinghamshire on 19th) was relocated at Misson on 29th very close to the Notts / Yorkshire border. County border birding is fraught with difficulties, but in short both the bird and the observer must be in Yorkshire before being countable in the Yorkshire Listers League and on the 29th they weren’t, however, first thing next day those who had rolled the dice were rewarded when both conditions were met. This must have been especially satisfying for local, David Hursthouse who had relocated the bird at Misson the previous day (after what was surely the same bird had been seen brief at Potteric Carr) as it took him firmly back to the top of the Yorkshire Listers League. A few lucky listers (including a car load from Spurn) managed to scramble through in time to see the bird in Yorkshire before it flew back into Notts frustrating those who arrived after, as it remained there all day.

All photos, Alan Clewes

STOP PRESS: This bird has just been relocated at Misson though currently in Notts, we wait with bated breath!


Wader buffs didn’t have long to for more excitement when an interesting peep first seen and heard over Kilnsea Wetlands was eventually tracked down, proving to be the Counties fourth ever Least Sandpiper. It hung around for a few hours before flying off south with a Dunlin and hasn’t been seen since.

Least Sandpier, Kilnsea Wetlands, July 24 - John Hewitt

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