Thursday 30 July 2020

The recent appearance of the Lammergeier in the peak district has sparked off lots of interest with the majority of Yorkshire listers making the effort to see it, not only for listing insurance purposes but also for the sheer spectacle of this enormous beast. The bird is  presumed to be wild bred from the reintroduced but not self-sustaing population in the Alps as was the last British record which was placed on Category E of the British List. Birds that reside in this category are not deemed countable for the purpose of the Yorkshire Listers League, however, there is a lot of pressure being heaped on the BOU with regards to this latest bird and we will have to wait and see what happens. The bird is wandering either side of the Yorkshire / Derbyshire border so one thing to be aware of is that you need to be sure when you see it that the bird in Yorkshire (though the observer need not be) for you to include it in Yorkshire Listers League tally should it eventually be deemed countable by the BOU.

Lammergeier, Abbey Brook (Yorkshire), July 2020 - John Hewitt

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