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Tuesday, 26 September 2023
Monday, 25 September 2023
Today has seen the discovery of this cracking Sharp-tailed Sandpiper at RSPB Blacktoft Sands
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can be found by clicking the League Table option.
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In Yorkshire listing terms things don't get much bigger than a County first so there was great excitement when a Brown Booby was found sat on the sea off Flamborough Head. Unfortunately, it didn't linger long and all bar a fortunate few were left hugely frustrated as there was no further sign by dark. Next morning however, the booby was photographed on Filey Brigg and although it flew off, it was quickly relocated at Hunmanby Gap where it spent the next few days allowing most keen listers to catch up with it. When it eventually moved on from Hunmanby it was soon relocated at South Gare (just this side of the Tees which is the Yorkshire border) where it is still present at the time of writing. A Booby trap!. Interestingly some authorities already treat Brown Booby as three species (Atlantic, Brewer’s and Indo Pacific) but should IOC (thus BOU) decide to adopt the split, the Yorkshire bird looks good to be accepted as Atlantic Brown Booby. Anyway, as we envisage no problems with the acceptance of this bird, Brown Booby should be added to your Yorkshire list below Gannet and is deemed countable for the Yorkshire Listers League with immediate effect. The new updated list is available on request from
The other excitement this month was the record of an Upland Sandpiper which flew south at Spurn on 16th September, sadly never to be seen again. Although nobody saw the bird well enough to identify, it was very vocal, and a fortunate few managed to see that it was a medium sized, Ruff like wader. We will await for official acceptance before adding Upland Sandpiper to the Yorkshire list but the combination of record photographs and a sound recording of the all-important and distinct call should see this bird officially added to the Yorkshire list soon.
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Upland Sandpiper, Spurn, September 23 - Harry Appleyard |
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Pectoral Sandpiper with Ruff, Beacon Ponds, September 23 - John Hewitt |